Prajna Live | The Cow | Online Practice
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we practice cow pose while supine, seated, and while upside-down.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we practice cow pose while supine, seated, and while upside-down.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we begin engaging “from the ground up" the deepest, most internal muscle of the leg, the Tibialis Posterior.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we stretch and strengthen the quads to increase cardio vascular flow and to build core stability.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - The piriformis travels from the outer hip through the center of the buttock and is a primary culprit in creating sciatic pain. By release of this muscle, an entire swoosh of bioelectric flow moves up through the spine.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - We like to say it is “obliquatory” to stretch and strengthen the sides of the abdominal cavity each day.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we stretch and spiral the lats before strengthening through fun arm balances like the crow.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - Through SATYA arm spirals and a series of slide & glide movements we make the pecs supple. Then by weight bearing on the arms we provide stability for the entire upper chest cavity.
TIAS & SURYA LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we alternately lengthen and shorten the hamstring in order to bring lightness and lift to the entire back body.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - The TFL muscle is a short, sneaky muscle that wraps the iliotibial band around to the front pelvis. Be sure to have your roller or physiological ball ready as we release this muscle along with the entire IT band.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we work toward bringing equal tension to the right and left QL muscle via side bends, forward bends, and twists.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we make the spine buoyant and strong by working the paraspinal muscles in front folds, backbends, and twists.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we do side bends and inversions and conclude with pranayama via the support of the serratus anterior.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - Most anatomists identify the scalenes as the “iliopsoas of the neck” given their essential role in cervical balance. Totaling 6 muscles (3 on each side) we balance the neck through standing poses, headstand preps, and twists.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we press, lift, and pump the heel and ankle in order to stimulate kinetic flow through the entire body.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we practice supine, sitting, and standing poses to articulate the tibia and its surrounding tissues.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we pump, rock, and tilt the sacrum while exploring movement in the SI joints, the anterior sacrum, and the coccyx.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we spiral, lift, extend, and compress the upper arm in order to help move blood flow through the entire chest cavity.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we slide, lift, rotate, and widen the collar bones in order to bring lightness and ease to the entire chest and neck.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In each pose we practice orienting from the temporal bones and explore the polarity between the side skull and the outer pelvis.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we practice somatic movements and postures not to engineer or manipulate the breath, but to allow our breath to “breathe of its own accord.”
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - The inhalation is the life-giving breath, sustaining all tissues in the body. In this class we bring sensitivity to the movement of inhalation in all postures, to generate elasticity and lightness in the rib, diaphragm, and lung.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - The exhalation is the “letting go” breath, one that actively discharges strain from the body. In this class we emphasize the emptying phase of the breath in all poses. In pranayama, we expel the breath to purify and flush the lungs.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we use the whole body to exercise alternate nostril breathing, linking the right “solar” side of the body with the right nostril and the left “lunar” side with the left nostril.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - The interrupted breath strengthens local segments of the ribs, intercostal muscles and lungs. We combine this breath with our somatic movement and yoga poses as we move and pause, move and pause.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - This breath generates heat and an internal glow within all tissues of the body. In the practice of asana and somatic movement, we use Breath of Fire to rinse, cleanse and flush the many airways of the lungs and to bring energy and luminosity to the mind-heart.
TIAS & SURYA LITTLE ONLINE - On the cusp of a new year, we come together to generate a collective intention, a vision for positive change and growth. Through meditation, reflection, movement and yoga we build both resiliency and flexibility and celebrate the marvelous, wild, ever-changing world we live in. Join us!
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class, we explore the edge between strength and solidity and relaxation and ease in all poses.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - The challenge we all face as we age is to remain vital and fluid. We introduce longevity practices by working with the energetics of the tissues deep within the brain.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In Zen training, koans are a marvelous way to open the body and mind to a sense of boundlessness, clarity and space. In this class we use one koan as a means to unlock physical compression and open to a greater capacity of awareness.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - The Heart Sutra, known as the Prajna-Paramita, is one of the most celebrated of all teachings in Buddhist traditions. In this class we chant the sutra at the start, and weave the essential message of this marvelous verse through all of the practice.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we dance the body of the light by celebrating the living light that enlivens all tissues and illuminates consciousness.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we make the body into a kind of offering and generate an attitude of devotion. An attitude of generosity promotes kindness of heart and clarity of purpose.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we build the cardio-vascular pulse to nourish all the cells of the body.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we support blood flow back to the heart by pumping the legs and churning the abdomen.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class, we promote fluid wave-like movements through the spine, spinal cord, and brain tissue.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In meditation and movement practice, we celebrate the body of love by drenching all the tissues in oxygen rich prana.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we connect to the vibratory hum within the cells by alternating between filling and emptying, and rising and falling movements.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we do positions to rock, lift, invert, and pump the lymphatic channels in order to support lymph drainage.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - This muscle along the front of the shin provides ROM to the ankle and arch of the foot. Through direct pressure, stretching, and strengthening of this muscle we increase agility in the lower leg.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - Known as the “fifth hamstring,” this muscle is the most powerful of the inner groins. In this class we explore connection to the mid line, while strengthening and lengthening this key muscle.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - This muscle is known as the “six-pack abs.” In this class we follow subtle cues to gain more sensitivity and suppleness of the rectus abdominus without causing strain.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we do many different movements for the shoulders and neck to increase ROM and bring ease to the uppermost region of the shoulders.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we engage the bicep by pumping, spiraling, stretching, and weight bearing in order to bring freedom of movement to the arm, upper ribs, and shoulders.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class, we do numerous jaw exercises while connecting the jaw to the spine and pelvis.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In the internal arts, knees are associated with vitality and longevity. But the knees are tricky as they are under constant demand to support the weight of the body. In this class we safely extend, flex and rotate the knee joint.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class, we pump, spiral, stretch and glide the primary muscles that span the hip joint. This class serves to alleviate sciatica and low back pain while increasing the flow of energy through the spine.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we take a deeper dive into the hips with more complex and challenging hip work. We stretch the strong musculature of the hip from many many different angles to generate lightness and flow in the pelvis and spine.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we balance the complex of muscles and tendons that hold the shoulder in place.
TIAS & SURYA LITTLE ONLINE - The first chakra is the powerful base, related to the geometry of the square that provides the gateway to the entire chakra system.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we first stretch and mobilize the wrists before weight bearing on the arms. Because the wrists are the foundation for all weight bearing postures on the arms, we devote the practice to hand, thumb, forearm, and wrist mobilization.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - On Earth Day 2024 we commit to conserving the precious prana we are given. In this class we explore how the ecosystem of the subtle body - the breath, bloodstream, and thought waves - is interdependent with all of nature. 100% of proceeds will be donated to Yoga for Climate Action.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - Called the Atlas for the way the Greek titan held up the globe on his shoulders, the first neck spine holds up the weight of the cranium. In this class we mobilize the neck and cranial base using rocking, sliding, tilting, and stabilizing movements.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - Most physical trainers agree that the iliopsoas is the primary muscle that provides support for the entire body. In this class, we engage the iliopsoas as a muscle of breathing, due to its insertion into the respiratory diaphragm.
TIAS & SURYA LITTLE ONLINE - On this day we look at the centers in the skull relating to the brain, brainstem, sensory organs and consciousness. This day investigates the cranial sutures, the cranial-sacral system and the "master” pituitary and pineal gland.
SURYA LITTLE ONLINE - Because the furnace of the belly is under near constant demand to fire, it is imperative to periodically let the core cool down and idle. In this class all poses are supported.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we harness the lower belly bandha on our back in order to achieve structural support when sitting and standing.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - The acupressure point known as the Gate of Life (between L2 -L3) is the source point for supporting kidney vitality and spinal motion. In this class we orient all movement and breath work from the Gate of Life acupressure point.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In yoga and qi gong, longevity and health is determined by the the health of the reproductive system. In this class, we bring blood and breath and movement into the uterine cavity to reduce stagnation and blockages.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class, we generate movement in the lower gut to mobilize the large intestine.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - The mesentery provides integration and support to all the abdominal organs. In this class we irrigate blood through the abdomen to reduce sluggishness and constriction and reduce excess fat from the mesentery.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we mobilize the low back in order to pump, squeeze, and expand the connective tissues that hold the kidneys into place.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - As its name suggests, the liver is the organ of life. In this class we do twists, arching poses, and inversions to improve circulatory flow through the liver.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - The lungs are the most essential organs of a yoga practice responsible for absorbing prana into the body. In this class we elevate, spiral, pump, and expand the lungs using SATYA, asana, and pranayama.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we use movement and meditation to optimize circulatory flow through the neck, brain, and skull.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we unlock the bioenergetic forces of our tailbone in order to generate flow through the spine to the crown of the head.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we bring structural integrity to the sacrum and sacral-iliac joints in order to generate lift and glide along the entire spine.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - There are very strong, strapping muscles that attach directly to the lumbar spine and all too often twisting, shearing or compressive forces pull the lumbar out of true. In this class we balance, fortify and tune the lumbar vertebrae.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we mobilize the upper back and shoulders in order to support deep, rhythmic and relaxed breathing.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we generate ease in the uppermost spine by mobilizing the strong musculature in the back of the neck while simultaneously making the throat pouch flexible.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class, we visualize having the eyes in the back of our skull while exploring how the eyes are strong governors of spinal motion.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we sensitize the flow of breath through the nostrils and throat while attending to the subtle sound through the airway of the throat and palate.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this practice we extend or “sip” the breath by interrupting the flow of breath using both deliberate and non-deliberate pauses.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we compliment the Breath of Fire with a soft, fluid, watery breath (the Breath of Water).
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we isolate the flow of air through one nostril at a time in order to gain the feel and dimensionality of the breath along the right and left sides of the body.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - Following the Sun/Moon Breathing practice, in this class we weave the breath back and forth between both nostirls. The classic “alternate nostril breath” requires sensitivity and dexterity in the fingers. Like playing a wind instrument, we practice to hit smooth “notes” while regulating the flow of breath.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we activate the sound, vibration, and pitch of the pranayama breath in order to impart subtle shifts in the brain waves and consciousness.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we trace the pathway of qi in the "microcosmic” orbit from the low belly (dan tian) upward to the “heavens” of the neck and skull.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - The pelvic loop involves a downward centering of the sacrum and tailbone in tandem with an upward scoop of the frontal hips. We explore the pelvic loop in order to effect the subtle dynamics of the pelvic viscera.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we focus on the juncture of the pelvic and kidney loop at L5-S1 in order to cultivate the internal lift of uddiyana bandha.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In the heart loop, we lift and spread the top chest while descending the shoulder blades in back. This movement lifts the lungs and heart upward from the diaphragm in preparation for pranayama.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - The cranial loop is essential for postural alignment of the skull. In all movements throughout class, we feel the continuity of flow within the pelvic, kidney, heart, and cranial loops.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - The lift of the palatine loop is essential for opening the internal airway of breath in the back of the throat while opening the sinus cavities leading up to the brain. In this class we overlap the cranial loop and the palatine loop with the revolving of the tongue backward.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - The sciatic nerve is the longest in the body traveling from the low back down to your toes. In this class we mobilize the lower sciatic nerve (the tibial nerve) as it tunnels through the knee, calf, ankle, and foot.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - The upper sciatic nerve is typically the culprit for radiating pain in the hip, buttock, low back, and upper leg. In this class we loosen the muscles that surround the sciatic nerve in order to release the structures of the hip, hamstring, and buttock.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - The brachial plexus includes a highway of nerves passing under the bridge of the collar bones. In this class we increase ROM in the arms while stretching and loosening the shoulders.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - The Trigeminal nerve has 3 large branches that govern movement of the eyes, jaw, tongue, and face. In this class we mobilize and the muscles of the face, repatterning sensory connection to the eyes, nose, and tongue.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - The vagus nerve is longest of all 12 cranial nerves. In this class we do vagal nerve stimulation exercises (stretching fascia, humming, breath retention) proven to reduce depression, anxiety, and paralysis.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - The goal of all hatha yoga is to open the central channel of the body. In this class we do movements to benefit the spine, spinal cord, and brainstem in order to create a free flow of energy through the body.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we mobilize the lymph in the upper inner thigh by stretching, pumping, and lengthening the fascia of the inner groin. In addition to opening the inner thigh, we improve lymphatic circulation through the foot, ankle, and hip.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In order to assist detoxification of the blood, there is an abundance of lymph throughout the abdomen. In this class we pump, twist, and lengthen the belly in order to improve lymph drainage in the gut.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we generate mobility in the rib, chest, and lung in order to strengthen the lung chi and ward off infection.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we pump, rock, slide and stretch the underarm and surrounding tissue to improve circulation of lymph through the shoulder and chest.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - There are numerous lymph nodes in the neck and throat that prevent unwanted bacteria from entering the body. In this practice we increase the flow of blood and lymph through the neck and throat to safeguard the body against infection.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In yoga there are numerous techniques to help promote blood and lymph through the face, jaw, and tongue. In this class we lift and stretch the soft tissues of the face while cleansing and rinsing the sinuses, palate, and upper throat.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we reduce sluggishness and lethargy in the body by lubricating all tissues while suffusing the body in feelings of serenity and delight.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we lubricate the tissues of the body - particularly in the joints, lungs, and brain. When we refine kapha dosha, we embody a loving, heart-centered presence.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we mobilize the solar plexus while steadying the flow of “fire” through the nerve endings, fascia, and organs of perception.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we practice to clarify the fire element. We practice “right fire” which is the clear path of neuromuscular flow in both movement and meditation.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class, we reduce bluster and agitation in the nerves while opening the hip joints and toning the lower abdomen.
TIAS LITTLE ONLINE - In this class we bring steadiness and ease to the nerves and also practice "motionless vata" which is the experience of pure consciousness.