This extraordinary benefits of this practice on your fascia, joints, and breath. This course on SATYA will no doubt add depth and somatic sophistication to your practice… and it is so healing. Designed by Tias Little after 30 years of education, practice, study, and research, SATYA is a somatic practice that builds mindfulness through movement.
SATYA (Somatic Awareness Training for Yoga Attunement) is Prajna Yoga’s therapeutic, “yin” style practice. We practice fine articulated movement on the floor in a flowing fashion, synthesizing breath with movement. The exercises are non-weight bearing and involve sliding, gliding, and circular movements to reduce myo-fascial holding in the body. When done on the floor, the breath and movement together enables myofascial release without strain. All movements are done slowly, in isolation, and without force. The SATYA movements replenish the body by increasing circulation (the flow of prana) throughout all the tissues of the body. SATYA acts as a “prana pump” to oxygenate the bloodstream and irrigate, or “soak” the tissues.
The SATYA movements cultivate inner listening and heighten proprioceptive awareness, neuroplasticity, and neural-muscular re-education. This awareness is the body’s innate intelligence. By increasing our capacity for sensory awareness, we become more sentient, wakeful beings in the world. While yoga today often emphasizes the “doing” of a posture, SATYA encourages “being” in a movement with heightened awareness.
Our aim is to tap an inner potency, and to help support the body’s innate intelligence and capacity to self-regulate. Thus SATYA is mindfulness training through movement. As a movement meditation, SATYA builds vipassana (insight) into the sensory-motor pathways of the body. The movements are a powerful tonic to reduce fatigue, strain, and tension in the body, and to build deep relaxation and clarity. All movements support profound physical rest of the body and prepare for savasana and yoga nidra (the yogic sleep).
This training covers the foundational movements of the SATYA practice. This will revitalize your own body by reducing fatigue, building coherence, and integration of all the connective tissues of your body. At the same time, you will learn the key principles of the SATYA practice for the classroom. For yoga teachers who work therapeutically or with aging populations, SATYA is a simple yet highly effective system to help safely mobilize and repair the connective tissues.
This immersion with Tias and Surya includes guided meditation, sound resonance, dharma study, visualization training, and SATYA practice. We do yoga postures following SATYA to stabilize the core tissues of the body. Tias will teach anatomy through an array of colorful slides. Tias integrates images from nature, sacred architecture and art to describe the energetic flow of prana through the body. Tias brings his background in Sanskrit, cranial-sacral study, yoga philosophy, and mystical anatomy to provide a transformational online course of study.
When: August 10 – 14 | 9:30am – 12:30pm and 2:00 – 5:00pm | Lunch 12:30 – 2:00pm
Cost: $1,050 – price includes organic nourishing lunch meals curated & prepared in Surya’s Kitchen!
**This in-person immersion offers 30-Hours of Continuing Education hours, and can be applied towards the required hours for the Prajna Yoga 300/500-Hour Teacher Training. An extra 15 hours of online work is also included should you wish to pursue SATYA certification.