Prajna Yoga Teacher Ali Modell interviews Tias Little
Illumine Chicago September 2015 In this recurring column, we ask Chicago-area teachers to interview their teachers about lineage and the teacher/student relationship. Being connected to a community and plugged into a teacher is vital to the yogic process, something Tias Little knows a lot about, as the founder of Prajna …
Read MoreTias shares his personal practice space in the latest issue of Yoga Journal
Bring it Home Yoga Journal, October 2015 More than 50 yoga teachers and practitioners shared their personal practice spaces and habits for the new Yoga Journal-presented book Yoga at Home: Inspiration for Creating Your Own Home Practice, by Linda Sparrowe. In October’s issue of Yoga Journal, Tias is part of …
Read MoreTelluride Yoga Fest 2015: Tias & Surya Little
An excerpt from Telluride Inside highlighting Tias & Surya: Prajna Yoga is an holistic approach to practice and study that incorporates anatomy, yoga and Buddhist meditation, Iyengar and Ashtanga principles of structure, alignment, and movement, diet, and the language of yoga, Sanskrit. At their Santa Fe studio, Prajna Yoga, the …
Read MoreYoga and the Art of Relaxing in Fine Lifestyles Santa Fe
“Tias Little opened one of the first yoga studios in Santa Fe back in 1994. He and Surya Little later opened another studio together in 2000, and have been providing spiritually grounded and heart-centered teachings and healing since then. Whether it’s in their own studio or in a studio in …
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India and the Export/Import of Yoga
It is mind-boggling how enormous yoga has grown, like a sci-fi octopus, its sprawling tentacles invading popular culture. Educational institutions, media conglomerates, brand names and entrepreneurs have co-opted yoga to fit their own agendas. Perhaps it is yoga’s polymorphous nature that makes it so user friendly; a malleable commodity that …
Read MoreInterview with Jennifer Raye
Senior Teacher Interview: Tias Little from Jennifer Raye on Vimeo.
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“One Stroke,” a Conversation With Kaz Tanahashi
This weekend I had dinner with Kaz Tanahashi. Kaz is an artist, a peace-maker, a scholar and an Aikido practitioner. We met at the local Japanese restaurant in Santa Fe called Shoko. Kaz is best known for his translations of the great Japanese Zen master, Dogen. He is here in …
Read MoreYoga, Falling and Hip Fracture
This summer my father who is 82 fell at a local restaurant in Wellfleet Mass., and fractured his hip. Surya and I spent a week caring for him and assisting my mother right after the accident. It was an ordeal, for sure: four days in a hospital, immense pain and …
Read MoreWe are deeply saddened by the loss of BKS Iyengar
We are deeply saddened by the loss of BKS Iyengar today. His remarkable eye for the body in asana was truly amazing. Like Ida Rolf and Moshe Feldenkrais, he was a pioneer in the internal arts. Intuitive, creative and relentless in pursuit of discovery, Iyengar has left all of us …
Read MoreBreathe for Joy – Yoga Journal Home Practice by Tias Little
Yoga Journal Home Practice: Breathe for Joy. Stretching sideways can activate core muscles, expand breathing, and bring feelings of spaciousness and levity. Yoga Journal, August 2014. View sequence by Tias Little > (PDF file)
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