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Inspirational, informative and thought provoking, our blog includes daily practices, yoga techniques, recipes and reflections on current and ancient trends in yoga.


Going Nude

Perhaps on occasion you enjoy the privilege of wandering around naked in your home. In the blasting heat of the summer what good are clothes? Research suggests that going nude is conducive to the health of the skin. It also boosts immunity and fosters feelings of delight by the release of serotonin. …

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This Wabi Sabi World

Do you ever feel that your life is a bit wonky? Perhaps your health, your marriage, or your career feel somehow out of kilter. Don’t be discouraged, because a lopsided life suggests wabi-sabi, the natural imperfection of being. In Japan, wabi-sabi is captured in the aesthetics of the Zen garden, the arrangement …

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Elevate Your Yoga Practice this August with classes from Prajna Yoga

This August, Prajna Yoga offers a variety of immersive events perfect for deepening your practice and enhancing your well-being. Whether you’re interested in releasing tension, exploring cranial-sacral health, adding some creative flair to your sequences, or pushing your practice to the intermediate level, there’s something for you. Guided by the experienced Tias …

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Binocular Vision

We have two eyes to see two sides of things, but there must be a third eye which will see everything at the same time and yet not see anything. D.T. Suzuki When you head out to the trail, to the beach or to the coffee shop this summer, be …

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Mind the Gap

In the course of a single day, each of us experiences a barrage of thoughts, feelings, perceptions and memories. While we must remember details like where we left our house keys and the time of our next appointment, it is necessary to “mind the gap.” When we “mind the gap,” …

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The Most Honorable Host

Yoga teachings point out the big mistakes we all live by. One of the biggest is the mistake of confusing guest with host. In speaking of host, we are not referring to having your in-laws come stay with you for the night. We are talking about the Big Host. The …

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What turns our cranks? Is there some celestial power that rotates the cerebral gears within us all? As a young boy, I remember asking my father many questions about life. His answers, often as intricate as the questions themselves, suggested that humans are not simple machines—or not even machines at …

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Living in the Magical Realm

All too often we fail to realize that we live in a magical realm. Not a land of golden straw and fairy godmothers but the immediate world you find yourself in—your home, your kitchen, you car, your, town, your country. This world is eternally generous, always productive, giving birth to an incredible display. …

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The Art of Wandering

This month of travel has been all about wandering. We have crossed many borders, meandered down side streets, walked garden pathways, down the halls of cathedrals and castles. There is such delight in just wandering. Wandering leads to surprise encounters with people, momentary discoveries and unexpected finds. In Wandering on …

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On the Road to Belonging

Each day we take one, two, ten, a thousand steps closer to our goal of abiding in the simple place of belonging. But it is an elusive trek. So many of us get divided inside, stranded at some crossroads, far from the hearth of home. What comes to mind when we …

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Alchemy + Aim