Schedule: 8:30am-5:30pm (8 hours)
How can we live in alignment with the core teachings of yoga? Patanjali, author of the Yoga Sutras, ordered the eight limbs of yoga deliberately from outer to inner. The first four limbs of yoga are essential for getting along with others, replacing detrimental behavioral patterns with helpful ones, and purifying our body, heart, and psyche in order to prepare us for our journey inward. We will chant call-and-response all relevant sutras, translate them directly from the Sanskrit, then dig down deeply into the meanings of all related Sanskrit terms. Hear and discuss what the sutras say about the yamas, niyamas, asana and pranayama. Handouts and practice exercises are included.
Yoga Sutras Unravelled is a requirement for students fulfilling the 200-hr Prajna Yoga Teacher Training.
Please read before purchasing any events with Prajna Yoga as we have a firm financial policy.
Early Bird Special: $165 + tax (before May 1, 2019)