Fascia is the physical structure that holds us together. Literally. It keeps our bones upright, our organs in place, and supports the pathway of the nerves. A dedicated yoga practice involves moving layer by layer through the connective tissues. While fascia is the prime mover of the body, it also a vessel for holding memory, feelings, dreams, and identity. In this class we practice movements that enhance the flow of fascia through the body.  We also track how thoughts, feeling, memory, and a sense of “I” are imprinted on the connective tissues.
When: December 9 & 10 | 9:30am – 12:30pm Mountain Time | 4:30 – 7:30pm UK Time
Cost: £65
Co-Hosted with:
Upon completion of this workshop, you will receive a Yogacampus Certificate of Completion. If you wish to gain certification from Prajna Yoga as a SATYA teacher, you are required to take the SATYA 1 intensive running November 21 – 25, 2020 and complete additional hours of self-study. You will then have 45 hours of SATYA 1 training.