At Great Odds
What is your tolerance for the dumbfounding and the unpredictable? I hope it is not too low, for the world today is full of wind storms, fluctuating markets, hackers and trolls. Someone recently said that on the time line of maturation, humanity is still in its adolescence.With brains not fully developed, people are erratic and do things without thinking at all.
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The Right to Live. The Right to Die.
The discord around Roe v. Wade in America begs the real question when does life really begin? And the corollary question, raised in the debate around euthanasia, when and how should life end? And what choice does a citizen of the republic have to determine his or her own destiny?
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Raise Your Voice
Raise Your Voice In light of recent news surrounding the possible overturning of Roe v. Wade, we have pulled together a list of ways you can contribute to change the course for women’s rights and raise your voice to amplify the need for medical and human rights for women in …
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10 Acts of Love for Our Mother Figures
It’s the little things that count. Show your love and appreciation for the women that make everything possible. 1. A handwritten letter. Show your appreciation for all that your mother figure(s) have done for you. Let them know how they have improved your life, how they have changed your views, or how …
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Don’t Hold Your Breath
You don’t have to do yoga to know that you should not “hold your breath”. Yet in order to make it through a topsy turvy time it is common for people to do just this. When we say “holding your breath” we do not simply mean not inhaling. Of course, people rarely “hold their breath” for without breath there is no life and by way of a long held breath, you might end up passed out on the carpet! It is more common for people to constrict their blood vessels, clench their nerves or tighten their sphincters in order to get by.
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My Grandmother’s Hands
This collection of writing, guided reflections and historical perspective on race in America is a must read. It is a must read because it helps clarify the real fear that white people carry toward people of color. Resmaa Menakem’s primary point revolves around what he identifies as “white body supremacy”. …
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At Peace and in Place in the World
At peace and in place in the world. By practicing yoga and meditation we observe the passing moments that make up our days. As we witness things passing, we acknowledge the inherent fragility in being. First off, we notice how our bodies are vulnerable to wear and tear.
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Trans in America
Trans in America Let her be. Just who she is. This remarkable documentary captures the spirit of 7 year old child Kai Shappley. Born in the heartland of…
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Caught in the Web
Sometimes it feels like my heart will just melt, and my blood will spill onto the street and mix with those who struggle, those who cry out, those who want for a better world. When the heart breaks, it releases an elixir, an exquisitely fine substance that spreads throughout both …
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The Mystery of the Breath
Time for a deep breath. A deep, spontaneous breath is suggestive of our very first breath when we emerged from a watery, maternal, uterine environment. But often the first breath at birth is labored, strained and gasping. The strain imprinted onto the respiratory rhythm may continue for a lifetime. Many …
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