May 20, 2020
This is a magical day full of twenties! On this day we celebrate our 20 year wedding anniversary, the two of us merging as one.
We were married in one of the oldest church’s in Santa Fe, the Loretto Chapel, with its fabled spiral staircase, whose construction is still a mystery to all. Since then we have been
on the long stairway of friendship and trust, parenting, practicing, teaching  and co-creating a vision of boundless possibility. Support in a marriage is a delicate and perplexing thing and so we return again and again to our foundation…
On the marvelous spring evening of May 20, 2000 we had a reception and bash at the Upaya Zen Center. At the time, we held all of our trainings and retreats there.
In 2007, when our son was 3 years old, we dreamed and schemed to build our own studio, one that would become home for our retreats, immersions, trainings and… to launch Zoom classes world-wide !With the help of a wonderful builder-designer team and with a circle of local students, we raised the posts and beams of our Eco-nest studio in a single week-end. Getting the corner stones in place at the foundation was essential! With pillars of strength, the Prajna temple represents our enduring love and commitment. The temple embodies the heart of service, kindness, love and devotion on the Path.
We have each been on the yoga path for 30 years! We feel that our joint path is wider and deeper than our single path could ever be. Our marriage is a consummation of our devotion to being on the mat, exploring, learning and nourishing each other. Today the two of us tip our cup while sheltering in place at home.We feel your touch, care and steady support from afar.
With two hearts together,
Tias and Surya
A gift from our son, Eno.