Maintaining a home yoga practice requires motivation, dedicated physical space, consistency, and focus. Yoga students also need regular guidance from experienced teachers. Through life’s ups and downs, geographical moves, and the challenges of being a householder/human in turbulent times, creating and keeping a personal yoga practice at home is no small feat.

The Sanskrit word for it is sadhana. One great translation of the word – as Tias and Surya teach it – is “to procure, to gain something through care, effort, or by some special means.”
Prajna Yoga’s Monthly Online Series is a package of six yoga classes taught on Zoom, and each month focuses on a different theme. We’ve gone everywhere from “A Muscle A Day” anatomy to “The Tao of Yoga” to deeper-than-usual Sanskrit lessons and Buddhist koan to animal symbolism within various asana. The monthly themes give fresh angles on yoga practice, while at the same time offering a steady structure: opening inspirational words, chant, meditation, SATYA movement, asana, pranayama, Savasana, closing dedication. All with skillful oratory instruction that requires little to no staring at the screen. Instead, students turn inward toward the experience of body and mind.
View Current and Upcoming Monthly Series Courses and Events

Showing up to biweekly online yoga classes with Prajna allows students to immerse more deeply in personal practice, regardless of the body’s experience on a given day. Every class will leave students feeling both grounded and energized and each class can be replayed at your leisure for up to ten additional days.
In the quietude of your own home, light a candle, set an intention, clear the space. Don’t worry about parking your car or how the body nearby smells or whether to slow down and breathe another moment in a posture while the person next to you moves on. In the comfort of your own home, tune into your breath, your body, your inner seeing, and your mind. Support for your home yoga and meditation practice awaits you with Prajna Yoga’s ongoing Monthly Online Series.
– Written by Courtney Zenner