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Inspirations , Tias Articles & Interviews

Empty Before You Begin

Excerpt from Tias’s new book – The Practice is the Path: Lessons and Reflections on the Transformative Power of Yoga

To empty is to let go. Typically we hold onto so much stuff. We hold onto ideas, belief systems, family members. We hold onto ingrained ideas about ourselves like “I am not good enough and “there is nothing I can do to change.” To empty is to let go of the oldā€”the old paradigm, the old attitude, the old self. By emptying we become more open, more available, more in the here and now.

Empty before you begin is a most difficult practice. Typically the inbox of the mind is jammed with messages: private messages from family and loved ones, work-related messages that add to your task list, advertisements that goad you to acquire something you really donā€™t need. It is only by emptying that we can become fully attentive and present. Empty before you begin is essentially a call to presence.

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