The Third Eye: Portal to the Wisdom Body
In classical yoga, seeing is equated with knowing. In the body the mystical eye, located in the center brow, is considered the gateway to insight, vision and states of sublime meditation. This seeing does not involve outward looking, but inner perception with “the mind’s eye”. In this presentation, Tias lectures and shows slides to illustrate connections to the Ajna Chakra using artistic iconography from Tantra and anatomical and physiological references.
In this talk, we’ll learn:
- How the Ajna Chakra within the third eye is the seat of consciousness in the body
- Textual references to the third eye as the seat of the wisdom body
- The correlation between the third eye and the body’s central channel.
- How the third eye is a gateway to non-dual consciousness and the unity of Siva and Sakti
- The connection between Ajna Chakra, the Endocrine System and the nerve plexus within the brain center.
- The close link between the third eye and the Sphenoid Bone, the “keystone of the cranium”
- The link between the Ajna Chakra and the body of light
- Parallel depictions of the third eye in Chinese Medicine
- How sound, visualization and the “tongue seal” yoke to the Ajna Chakra in Hatha Yoga