Experience an unforgettable weekend of connection and inspiration at the 14th annual Telluride Yoga Festival nestled in the rugged mountains of Telluride June 23-26, 2022. The Telluride Yoga Festival is a 4-day yoga & wellness gathering including yoga, meditation, hiking, wellness workshops, and outdoor adventures. Join me and other world-renowned teachers in the stunningly beautiful San Juan mountains at our new campus in Mountain Village: a perfect place to celebrate yoga, nature, spirit, & love.
Tias and Surya will both be teaching multiple classes throughout the festival. Please see their respective schedules below.
Yoga at 9,545 ft. – Thursday, June 23 | 1:00 – 4:00pm MT
Training at high elevation, close to the sky, provides an amazing opportunity for yoga practice. For centuries yogis have lived at high elevations to cultivate a spacious mind and open heart. In this class, we weave together postures and meditation in order to embody an uncluttered mind and spacious heart. We do practices to first open the hip joints and then generate space in the lungs, ribs, and chest. All of our practices are in service of yoking the element of space in order to experience the sky-like nature of mind.
Yoga for Vitality in the Belly – Friday, June 24 | 8:00 – 9:30am MT
In all of the healing arts, the lower belly is the epicenter of the body for vitality, longevity and support. In the body, the low belly is like an aquifer on the land, a kind of “water table” that retains the vital fluid for the entire body. It is called the hara in Zen, the dantian in qigong, and it is supported by uddiyana bandha in yoga. In this class, we lift, spread, deepen and widen the lower belly in order to tap its vital essence . Props Needed: A block, a blanket, and a strap.
Yoga for Clarity, Levity, and Grace – Friday, June 24 | 2:00 – 3:30pm MT
Clarity, lightness, and grace are three essential qualities we cultivate in yoga practice. In this class, we cultivate sturdy bones, an open and responsive nervous system and a light and lifted spine. Our practice is heart-felt, one that constantly opens to the new and stays open to possibility and change. This class weaves together movement, stillness, sound, breath work, and visualization. Props Needed: A block, a blanket, and a strap.
Gravity as Therapy – Saturday, June 25 | 10:00 – 11:30am MT
In this class our aim is to reduce strain and by doing a practice close to the ground. By dropping into the bones we allow the breath to regulate and nerves to settle. This process involves not only physical relaxation but a kind of psychic relinquishing. We focus on releasing tension in the hip joints and lower back in order to embody a profound feeling of letting go. Props Needed: A block, a blanket, and a strap.
WordFlow: Book Signing and Book Fair – Saturday, June 25 | 12:00pm – 1:00pm
Stop by the Plaza Registration & Hospitality area where we will have books from some of our most beloved teachers. Between the Covers will also have a wide variety of other classic yoga, Ayurveda, and wellness books as well so you can stock your bookshelf with other great reads that will nourish you all year long! Tias will be signing copies of The Practice is the Path.
Sacred Activism: Healing Our Hearts and Creating a Nonviolent World – Saturday, June 25 | 4:00pm – 5:30pm
Join us for an honest conversation on the intersection of education, arts, mindfulness, trauma, mental health, and community healing. We’ll discuss what we can do to make the world more sustainable and explore the social justice implications of the first two limbs of Hatha Yoga (the yamas and niyamas). There is no asana.
Every Pose is a Mountain – Sunday, June 26 | 10:00 – 11:15am MT
Amidst the majestic peaks of Telluride, we emulate the endurance and longevity of the mountains in yoga practice. We know that Tadasana, the mountain pose, is the foundation for all of the poses in yoga. Yet how do we embody the spirit of the mountain in practice? In this class, we become the mountain in every pose in order to achieve stability, ease and staying power. In every pose, we build stability in the feet, legs, pelvis and spine. While embodying the mountain, we explore how the mountain is a metaphor for both steadfastness and change. Props Needed: A block, a blanket and a strap.
The Great Leap: Hanumanasana – Friday, June 24 | 12:00 – 1:15pm MT
Experience the joy, power and lightness of the frontal splits, hanumanasana. While challenging and fun, this difficult pose brings a feeling of delight. The practice includes a long preparatory sequence for the hamstrings, hip joints and sacrum. A slow and steady pace helps to safely prepare your legs and spine. Our focus is mainly on quad and hamstring work and setting the shape for the pose. There will be plenty of detail on how to modify the pose for beginners. Props Needed: a block, a blanket and a strap.
Dynamism, Agility, and Grace in Yoga – Saturday, June 25 | 12:00 – 1:00pm MT
In this class we will cultivate flow and balance in this vinyasa style class. In our sequence, each movement we will focus on building strength and flexibility along with alignment and precision. This will be a fun, light-hearted sequence resulting in a feeling of buoyancy and joy. Props Needed: a block, blanket and a strap.
Twists to Improve Circulation – Sunday, June 26 | 12:00 – 1:00pm MT
This class involves twisting movements for the spine, organs, muscles and skin. Whether standing, seated, supine or inverted, we actively release blockages in the gut and spinal musculature. Twists are real energy boosters, helping to squeeze, flush, and rinse the tissues of the body. The practice of twists brings vitality to the body by allowing the breath to flow deeper into the body. Props Needed: a block, blanket and a strap.