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Inspirations , Tias Articles & Interviews

Beyond Language: Tias Little on Yoga

YogaGlo, January 2016

Tias Little shares how the wisdom teachings of yoga have helped him move from a rigorous focus on the physical practice to noticing the subtle edges of the yoga practice. These subtle edges have been a very personal journey – a journey beyond language – which help enrich his life in many ways whether its managing anxieties and fears or fully examining his own thinking thinking patterns.

This deep exploration has highlighted a truth for Tias that applies to us all: there is no perfection (in asana or in life). Perfection is our own construct and trying to be perfect is an obstacle in our path. When we can go deeper into the wisdom teachings of yoga, we naturally desire a shedding of things, beliefs, constructs and we begin to feel less confined. We are free in our thinking patterns. This freedom makes doing the difficult work of understanding the wisdom teachings worthwhile.



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