Spending prolonged periods of time on the mat generally involves spending time alone.
At this time of social distancing, introverts may have an easier time than extroverts going into solitary time, on the yoga mat or meditation cushion. For introverts especially, alone time is invaluable to nourish our souls. For those who cherish retreat time, this time of social distancing may feel like a source of ongoing renewal. Introverts may endure or even thrive at this time of social distancing. Yet in this time of quarantine does internal, contemplative time make you feel more isolated? How is practicing alone at this time for you? When you practice do you find ways to connect in your heart to others while at a distance? All of us benefit from contact with others to lift our spirits. Teachers cherish communal sharing in the classroom and thrive from the interaction with students. Yet now in the era of on-line learning, without immediate contact from others, how do you continue to thrive and flourish?