We live in a divided world, one that breaks and splinters into many pieces. In this election year this is all too evident. Issues of gender, race, class and religion take center stage. In a divided world whether it be in politics, family, or religion – people end up taking sides. When the mind gets split between heaven and hell, male and female, or right and wrong, people lose the big picture. Strife, discord, separation, and a heavy heart follow. To avoid the trap of isolated, us vs. them thinking, yogis realize Big Mind and Big Heart. They come to rest in vast open awareness that knows no bounds.
Pure awareness is like space. It is indivisible. You can’t break it apart or divvy it up. The open space of the heart/mind transcends skin color, gender identity, party lines and state lines. It is not gay or straight, black or white, old or young. It does not have a left or a right, top or bottom, back or front, circumference or center. Most people never realize pure, crystalline awareness because their minds have been fractured by opinions, judgements, and agendas. To heal the split, yogis look far into the space of mind that knows no boundaries.
Now this does not mean don’t vote. This does not mean not to act on behalf of the waterways, forests and creatures of the planet. This does not mean don’t stand up against bigotry, racism and misogyny. If you don’t act, you are like pudding, wallowing in apathy. You have to take sides. However once you know Big Heart/Big Mind, once you align to the indivisible, even if you take sides, you remain entire inside. Once you know in your heart of hearts the unified state, no rift no matter how traumatic, can knock you off your center.
So, when you wake up each morning and before going to sleep each night, spend one undistracted hour in spacious awareness and come to know your Big Mind/Big Heart which has no sides.