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Small Prayer, Big Heart

This is how to make your heart supple. Start by emptying your pockets, leave your pride at the door, and enter the silent space. Sit. Deflate your eyes. Turn them down, so they loosen their grip on the things of the world. Consecrate your chest in awareness, drenching the caverns of your heart, filling and emptying, filling and emptying. Supplicate to the Great One with a feeling of tenderness, for the world is at high tide, engulfed by grief and sorrow. Sit with the open wound of the world and let your silent prayer circulate, borne by the salt of your blood.

’Tis a strange wonder, one that Jesus of Nazareth knew well, an admixture of anguish and the sublime. Be delicate, ripe with affectionate grace. Wait ’till the wind of your breath catches the prayer flag of your heart and circulates to all peoples near and far. May you stand against enmity and malice of all kinds. May each of us rise up against the nefarious forces that plunder and ruin. A naked knowing will come to you, to never give up, to do the one thing you can do, to love the world with all that you have.

No matter how small it seems, know that your benediction is indestructible. No matter how painful or pleasant, let the feeling of loving kindness belong to you, may it never be apart from you again.

Alchemy + Aim