Prana is the source of all being and becoming. Yet B.K.S. Iyengar once said that it is as difficult to explain Prana as it is to explain god. How do we connect to Prana in order to enliven the spaces within? How do we listen to Prana and feel its pulsating rhythms? In yoga Prana is thought to flow through 72,000 channels in the body. Prana is not only breath but arterial flow, nerve pulsation, and the flow of lymph. When Prana flows uninhibited through the spaces within, it is both healing and enlivening. This urban immersion is designed to revitalise the subtle body by yoking to the Prana within. We explore the pulse of Prana through the connective tissues, viscera, nerves and glands. In practice we aim to feel the light of Prana in every single cell of the body. In meditation we see that the mind is like space and by cultivating a spacious mind, we experience timeless awareness.
Cost: £99
Upon completion of this workshop, you will receive a Yogacampus Certificate of Completion.
If you wish to gain certification from Prajna Yoga as a SATYA teacher, you are required to take the SATYA 1 intensive running 7th to 11th June 2020 and complete additional hours of self-study. You will then have 45 hours of SATYA 1 training.
To become a SATYA teacher, all SATYA courses are required – please see this page for further information on the certification process: