The cerebrospinal-spinal fluid is thought to be the spiritual fluid of the body. It bathes the spinal cord, spinal nerves, and brain. In this class we sense a fluid presence from coccyx to crown in order to experience meditation in the center of our being.
Cost: $18
Some logistics:
- Have your props handy! We recommend two blocks, blankets, a thick bolster, an 8’ or 10’ belt/strap, and a backless yoga chair (modifications will be given if you do not have a chair). We recommend and Manduka for props; backless chairs can be found on Amazon and Etsy.
- Please note that all classes are in Mountain Time.
- Reserve your seat and we’ll send you the video recording to watch when you can, available for 10 days after the class.
- Registration closes at class start time, so be sure to sign up ahead of time to reserve your spot!