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Inspirational, informative and thought provoking, our blog includes daily practices, yoga techniques, recipes and reflections on current and ancient trends in yoga.
CategoryWoman's Health


Postpartum Practice

10 to 30 Minute Postpartum Practice by Linda Spackman This postpartum yoga practice is an offering to new mothers who might find the possibility of attending a yoga class in the early weeks of becoming a mother overwhelming. This practice can be done in as little as 10 minutes or …

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Twist Sequence

Taught by Surya Little and Linda Spackman We found inspiration from the following two Sutras: 2.33             Vitarkabadhane pratipaksabhavanam  – Twisting poses are named after ancient sages. When we twist in asana practice, we create grounding from a firm foundation and begin to cultivate movement in an opposing direction. With …

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Yoga Practice to Support Hormonal Phases

Cultivating Sensitivity: How to Approach Yoga Practice to Support the Phases of the Monthly Hormonal Cycle by Linda Spackman A healthy reproductive system is indicative of overall health. Yoga practice that honors the natural cyclic phases of a woman’s monthly cycle builds a foundation for vitality as well as ease …

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Alchemy + Aim