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Elevate Your Yoga Practice this August with classes from Prajna Yoga

prajna yoga summer events

This August, Prajna Yoga offers a variety of immersive events perfect for deepening your practice and enhancing your well-being. Whether you’re interested in releasing tension, exploring cranial-sacral health, adding some creative flair to your sequences, or pushing your practice to the intermediate level, there’s something for you. Guided by the experienced Tias and Surya Little, these sessions offer personalized insights and advanced teachings.

August Highlights:

Yoga and Myofascial
  • Yoga and Myofascial Release (August 3-5 2024)
    • Learn techniques to release tension in your fascia, the connective tissue that supports your entire body. This immersion combines morning sessions of asana and SATYA movements with afternoon hands-on work in pairs to lift, stretch, and compress the fascia. This approach aims to enhance overall mobility and relieve deep-seated tension.
    • More details

Please Note: If these classes are no longer available please check our full event schedule for active and upcoming events here. 

Cranial and Sacral Prajna Yoga event
  • Cranial-Sacral Health (August 6-8 2024)
    • Explore the intricate relationship between the cranium and sacrum. This immersion focuses on balancing these areas to improve overall health, incorporating gentle yoga practices, SATYA movements, and meditation to address the brain and sensory organs. Participants will also engage in hands-on techniques to facilitate the release of the cranium, spine, and pelvis.
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Please Note: If these classes are no longer available please check our full event schedule for active and upcoming events here. 

In the flow summer yoga prajna event
  • Creative Sequencing (August 10-12 2024)
    • Bring a fresh perspective to your practice with dynamic and playful sequencing. This immersion encourages creativity in your yoga routine, helping you to innovate and invigorate your flow. Guided by Tias and Surya, you’ll explore various sequencing methods that add vitality and interest to your practice.
    • More details

Please Note: If these classes are no longer available please check our full event schedule for active and upcoming events here. 

going to the next level summer prajna yoga event
  • Intermediate Practice (August 14-16 2024)
    • Take your yoga practice to the next level with this intermediate immersion. Designed for those looking to advance their skills, this session provides practical guidance and advanced techniques. The focus is on safe progression and deepening your practice through more challenging poses and sequences.
    • More details

Please Note: If these classes are no longer available please check our full event schedule for active and upcoming events here. 

Each of these immersions offers a unique opportunity to deepen your understanding and practice of yoga. They not only provide physical benefits but also promote mental and emotional well-being. Whether you’re looking to release tension, explore new sequences, or advance your skills, these sessions at Prajna Yoga are the perfect way to transform your practice this summer.

Join us this August at Prajna Yoga and take a step towards a more profound yoga journey. Check out the full schedule and sign up to secure your spot!


Alchemy + Aim