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Books, meditations, dharma talks, videos, and more to deepen your practice


The Practice is the Path

A mixture of poetic metaphor, personal reflection, clear instruction and compassionate presence, The Practice is the Path brings yoga teachings and Buddhist wisdom alive in intimate and immediate ways.

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For over 30 years, Tias has explored yoga as a spiritual path. In this book, he offers key teachings from his journey that will resonate with anyone who has dedicated themself to a mind/body discipline. In short, accessible chapters, Little shares his struggles and joys as a yogi and chronicles the transformation of his understanding and practice along the way.

You can order your copy at

Yoga of the Subtle Body

This is an invaluable resource for practitioners, teachers, and teachers in training. Organized from the feet to the crown of the head, this study of the chakras and pranic body combines esoteric anatomy from the ancient yoga tradition with Western anatomy and psychology.

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Yoga of the Subtle Body

…the practice of yoga in fact reveals that the body is in no way separate from the pyschospiritual forces that animate it. Tias Little here provides a way to understand these forces as they relate to an integrated yoga of body, mind, and spirit. He unites somatic concepts and wisdom teachings in this practical guide to the anatomy of the physical, mental, emotional, and subtle (or energetic) body. You can purchase Yoga of the Subtle Body at

Meditations on a Dew Drop

Poems and Teachings on the Flow of Presence.

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One of the most celebrated metaphors in the mind training practices of yoga and meditation is the dew drop. The dew drop captures the short-lived, here today and gone tomorrow nature of being. At the same time, it is a symbol, particularly in the Zen tradition, for the reflective mind. The dew drops are invitations for us to live in the present and to celebrate the passing of moments every day. Through ancient and contemporary reflections on being with change, this book inspires us to appreciate our dew drop moments for all their tenuousness, raw beauty and fragility.

The Thread of Breath

A compendium of asana from beginning to advanced, Sanskrit names and poetry.

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…the way a weaver binds together threads on a loom. The breath not only links postures together, as in Vinyasa Yoga, but it is the life force, called prana, that animates.


When you need grounding or a guided meditation, lean into Prajna Yoga’s channel on Soundcloud. Choose from more than 30 meditations and dharma talks from Tias and Surya Little and guests. You can listen to more at SoundCloud.

Dharma Talks

Tias offers insightful, thought-inspiring talks on the intersection of yoga and Buddhist wisdom with the anatomical body.


These videos with Tias & Surya and their colleagues, fellow teachers, students, and family provide overviews of Prajna Yoga, excerpts from Tias’s previous classes and workshops, testimonials, and more. Get to know Tias’s first yoga teacher, his mother, as they discuss their yoga experiences, along with Djuna Mascall, a longtime Prajna Yoga teacher, as she speaks about teaching the Prajna Yoga 200-Hour Teacher Training.

This is Prajna Yoga

Join founders Tias & Surya Little at Prajna Yoga for a mindful journey on your path to yoga. Learn what inspires them and why training and practicing yoga with Prajna is an experience of a lifetime.

Video by Martina Comstock.

Tias Little

This video introduces Tias Little, a master yoga teacher who travels the world sharing his deep knowledge of yoga, Sanskrit, Buddhist meditation, anatomy, and more with yoga practitioners and yoga teachers.

Surya Little

Meet Surya Little, co-founder of Prajna Yoga with her husband, Tias Little. Surya’s knowledge on yoga, nutrition, and therapeutic yoga are renowned and appreciated by all as another layer of deepening one’s yoga practice.

Yoga: The Poetics Of Movement, Part 1
Yoga: The Poetics Of Movement, Part 2
Djuna Mascall On Teacher Training Copenhagen, Denmark, 2016
Alchemy + Aim
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