Raise Your Voice
In light of recent news surrounding the possible overturning of Roe v. Wade, we have pulled together a list of ways you can contribute to change the course for women’s rights and raise your voice to amplify the need for medical and human rights for women in our country and throughout the world.
Raise Your Voice:
Speak up. Share experiences, relate facts and have open discussions with anyone and everyone willing to listen to why medical rights are necessary and fundamental human rights for women. Our voices are the most important and powerful tool that we have to bring about change and action to protect our rights and the rights of every woman. Use social media, community outreach, fundraisers, newsletters, media outlets.
Volunteer or Donate:
You can volunteer your time and efforts on a local, national and international level with groups such as NARAL Pro-Choice America, ACLU, Global Fund for Women, and Planned Parenthood.
Make a Call!:
Contact your senators and tell them they must vote YES on the Women’s Health Protection Act today. Planned Parenthood has provided an easy way to contact your state senator. Make an impact now.
Keep learning and sharing the facts via social media, newsletters and with your community about the ramifications of an overturn of Roe v Wade means for women. You can learn more about the far reaching impact on abortion access at NARAL Pro-Choice America.