Through the powerful synthesis of yoga and Zen, we embody an all-inclusive, global awareness. On the mat we practice total embodiment from our toes to the crown of our head. In every fiber, cell, and sinew of our body we animate the fundamental force of nature called prana. The raw, natural beauty of the Esalen setting further enhances this prana. The alchemy of yoga and Zen is potent; together, they enable students to drop into deep practice. Henry and Tias guide from their respective traditions while exploring the multiple connections between the two disciplines. This retreat provides a valuable opportunity for students to simultaneously deepen their meditation practice while refining and expanding their yoga. The clear and powerful teachings of yoga and Zen work to clarify and strengthen connection to Source. Each practice session will be an expression of our one body, and bring a sense of unity and joy. This event includes yoga, Zen meditation, SATYA, dharma discussions, walking meditation and poetry. Please bring a yoga mat.