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Prajna Live | Turtles of the World Unite! | Online Practice

July 15, 2022 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am


The Turtle Pose is renowned for its deep release of the spine, its spread of the shoulders, and massage on the abdomen. In this class we grow slowly from the baby turtle up to the granddaddy kurmasana.

Cost: $18


Some logistics:

  • Have your props handy! We recommend two blocks, blankets, a thick bolster, an 8’ or 10’ belt/strap, and a backless yoga chair (modifications will be given if you do not have a chair). We recommend and Manduka for props; backless chairs can be found on Amazon and Etsy.
  • Please note that all classes are in Mountain Time.
  • Reserve your seat and we’ll send you the video recording to watch when you can, available for 10 days after the class.
  • Registration closes at class start time, so be sure to sign up ahead of time to reserve your spot!
Alchemy + Aim
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