+44 (0) 20 7042 9900
In this class we drop with gravity into the earth in order to heal the subtle body. When we do not resist gravity but allow our bones and connective tissues to release there is a profound letting go. We alternate between movement and stillness in order to allow awareness to settle into the interior. We use SATYA and savasana to “drop in” so that layers of the psyche and emotional self can dissolve. Then through the practice of yoga nidra, like rain into dry ground, we soak into the essential awareness, nourishing nerve, blood and bone.
Upon completion of this workshop, you will receive a Yogacampus Certificate of Completion. If you wish to gain certification from Prajna Yoga as a SATYA teacher, you are required to take the SATYA 1 intensive running 3rd to 7th March 2019 and complete additional hours of self-study. You will then have 45 hours of SATYA 1 training. To become a SATYA teacher, all SATYA courses are required – please see the SATYA page for further information on the certification process.
Regular Price: 99 GBP