Master Class: Inversions- Cultivating Equilibrium
Friday, February 15, 2019 from 2:00m -5:00pm
Inversion practice promote equanimity and steadiness by restoring the organic body and nervous system. Yet how to do inversions safely? When properly prepared, inversions bring inner stillness and foster states of deep relaxation. In this class we cover how to do safe and secure inversions and provide practices that help students do inversions at home.  Come away from this class with a clear idea about how to practice inversions as part of your daily routine.
Flame of the Heart
Friday, February 15, 2019 from 6:00pm – 8:00pm
In a time of global, ecological and personal challenge, darkness and despair can cast a long shadow. Thus it is essential to lift the flame of spirit inside. In this class come prepared to ignite the light of heart awareness. We practice restorative yoga postures, mindfulness meditation and pranayama in order to cultivate a steady flame inside.
Moving into Stillness
Saturday, February 16, 2019 from 9:30am – 12:30pm
This class includes movement with precision of alignment. In the alchemy of our practice we unite stillness with movement, whether in seated meditation, flowing through postures or doing unwinding movements on the floor (SATYA). This leads to states of sublime awareness and feather fine concentration.
Bones, Breath and Balance
Saturday, February 16, 2019 from 2:00pm – 5:00pm
As we age the bones become lighter and less stable. In the spiritual traditions of India and China, the bone and the bone marrow are thought to hold the deep life force. In this class we build greater connection to the bones through standing and supine poses. We practice balancing poses in standing and supine positions. This makes the bone and its surrounding tissue strong and supple. Like tapping into an aquifer, as we access the bone and bone marrow we tap the body’s deepest essence.
Building your Inner Fire
Sunday, February 17, 2019 from 9:30am – 11:30am
The belly center, the third chakra, is the hearth of the body. In yoga we carefully stoke the fire within yet unfortunately there is often constriction in the gut due to stress and emotional holding. This class focuses on opening the belly through dynamic and passive poses. We emphasis twists and supported backbends to ignite the inner fire and pranayama to spread the light of prana throughout the body.
Yin and Yang Yoga Practice
Sunday, February 17, 2019 from 2:00pm – 5:00pm
An optimal yoga practice helps cultivate both yin (restoration) and yang (dynamic energy) in the body. In this class, you will cultivate the qualities of yin and yang in each pose. We review the fundamental forces of yin and yang that are essential to Taoist practice and discover how they can be embodied in yoga. In the practice session, you will learn how to cultivate a hybrid practice, cultivating both yin and yang energies within each pose. Come prepared to restore your body while strengthening and energizing your entire being.