Waiting for one voice?
To wait for one voice to bring it all together is as pointless as waiting for no one. Bring all things together under the Equality of Heaven, allow their process of change to go on unimpeded, and learn to grow old. What do I mean by bringing everything together under …
Read MoreWith the sun gone, it is as if the sky is asleep. So it is with the movement of any great light That which it makes brilliant by its rising Is closed away into darkness when it falls. Kalidasa, Kumarasambhava 8.43
Read MoreA poem by William Blake Joy and woe are woven fine, A clothing for the soul divine; Under every grief and pine Runs a joy with silken twine. It is right it should be so; Man was made for joy and woe; Through the world we safely go.
Read MoreThe Practice of Letting Go
For some time I have thought that yoga demands an ongoing willingness to let go. We train physically by practicing asanas to loosen our bodies to unglue stuck hamstrings, loosen overly bound tendons and and unmoor organs that have become fixed. Not only do we experience stickiness in our physical …
Read MoreThe seeker
The seeker is double-edged. On the one hand the curiosity and willingness to investigate is invaluable for the journey. On the other hand the seeker gets caught in the seeking. Come to recognize in your own practice how the seeking becomes all consuming. Then at some point begin to drop …
Read MoreReflections and Inspirational Readings
Two universal and prime paths of transformation have always been available to every human being God has created: great love and great suffering. Only love and suffering are strong enough to break down our usual ego defenses, crush our dualistic thinking, and open us up to Mystery. They, like nothing …
Read MoreInherent vs apparent nature of mind
Reflections this morning on the difference between the “inherent nature” of mind and the “apparent nature” of mind: This point was brought out by Khandro Rinpoche in this last month’s investigations on the nature of mind and the teachings on Mahamudra practice in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. In my meditation …
Read MoreDoubt on the path
Reflect on how important doubt is on the path, for without doubt you cannot go forward. There must be Great Doubt or Total Doubt. Doubt appears as a potent teaching in Zen and in the Christian faith as articulated by Doubting Thomas. I should know the vitality of the doubting …
Read MoreAm I just making this up or is it really happening?
As I age it seems my bones get bigger, Do they now hold more blood? They say the universe is ever expanding stretching infinitely in all directions, Is there now room for more stardust? And the pace of electrons inside the superconductor Do they go faster and faster? Theses days …
Read MoreSlide & Glide
Those of you who have taken my classes in the past several months have experienced movement practices on the floor that involve “slide and glide” techniques. My approach to teaching has included a practice that emphasizes the fluid body for some time. In fact the second level of my teacher …
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