Once you have felt the power of SATYA you will want to continue to soak in further. In SATYA 2, you will learn more complex sequencing, more nuanced variations of movement, and more about the physiological benefits. For those wishing to integrate SATYA into their teaching, SATYA 2 and 3 are a must.
We start the year on a roll. This month each class begins using a foam roller or physio-ball to loosen the fascia and free up adhesions. Following the pressure point release work, we practice somatic movements and yoga postures to align and strengthen the muscles, joints and connective tissue.
Join two master teachers, Aadil Palkhivala and Tias Little, as they guide you through a yoga practice to enhance and balance the cranio-sacral movement in your body. In yoga, the cranio-sacral fluid is affected in every pose you do and in every breathing technique you engage in, influencing the mind-body connection and enhancing somatic awareness during the practice. Learn how the polarity between the second chakra in the sacrum and the sixth chakra in the skull is crucial to all spinal motion.
In the Chinese New Year calendar, this year is the year of the snake. In this class we free the sacrum, coccyx and surrounding musculature in order to mobilize the energy of kundalini in the first and second chakras. We emphasize twists and hip openers in order to generate a powerful surge of energy through the spine. We celebrate the auspicious, protective energy of the serpent beginning at the base of the spine and then moving through the whole body. Immerse with us on the Prajna Temple grounds for an afternoon of deep practice, meditation, and sangha sharing.
Join Tias & Surya for a very special weekend immersion at Green Yogi Telegraph in Berkeley, CA! Surya will offer a women’s practice Friday night, and Tias will offer three workshops – two on Saturday and one on Sunday.
In this series of classes, Surya and Margo combine their expertise in therapeutic yoga, nutrition, hormonal balancing and herbal medicine. Because menopause can result in a dip in energy and overall mood, we focus on practices to restore vitality, increase energy, optimize digestion and balance mood. Join our community of supportive women for this shared practice.
Summer is the perfect time to uplift your practice and deepen your soul’s journey. In the summer we celebrate the effulgence of the season as we weave together yoga postures, meditation, SATYA, outdoor walking meditation, and sangha sharing. Each day includes a meal from Surya’s Kitchen with ingredients coming from Santa Fe’s regional farmer’s market. Whether in movement, stillness, or eating, this retreat brings true nourishment.
SATYA 3 investigates the therapeutic benefits of SATYA on the nervous system, endocrine system, digestion, and circulation in order to heal the subtle body. We specifically review SATYA’s effects on the autonomic nervous system and how SATYA can heal trauma in the body. Much focus is given to working with the neck, cranium, eyes, and inner ear. Students will learn how to utilize SATYA therapeutically with individual clients.