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Surya Little

Surya specializes in women’s health, nutrition and therapeutic yoga.

Intuitive and inspiring, Surya brings compassion to the teaching of yoga.

Her classes are dynamic and lighthearted as she cultivates a strong mental and physical practice with students. Surya specializes in yoga for the different phases of a woman’s journey, offering private yoga sessions and nutritional consultations.

Always with an eye for beauty, Surya’s healing touch includes skin care, diet, lifestyle, and interior design. Her yoga is informed by the Five Element theory of Qi Gong within the Taoist tradition. Her tap root in yoga training is in Iyengar and Ashtanga vinyasa. She began her practice of Iyengar Yoga with Karin Stephan and Aadil Palkhivala and continues to study with Patricia Walden.

She has studied nutrition, and constitutional healing at the Ayurvedic Institute in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Within the Prajna Yoga curricula, Surya teaches meal preparation using medicinal whole foods based in the Japanese macrobiotic diet. Together with Tias Little, Surya is the founder of Prajna Yoga in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

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