* All classes are held from 10:00 – 11:30am Mountain Time*
*Want to register for individual classes? Click here.*
We begin the month opening the soles of the feet and palms of the hands. We lift the arches of the feet (pada bandha) to support the hip joints and pelvis and strengthen the hands (hasta bandha) to support the shoulders and trunk in weight bearing poses like plank, dog, and handstand.
Mulabandha is a subtle movement of the pelvic floor used to support the uterus, bladder, colon, and prostate. In this class we elevate the soft tissues at the base of the spine without overly clenching or gripping.
Uddiyana bandha is critical for lengthening and stabilizing the lower back and maintaining proper position of the internal organs. This bandha makes the abdomen supple while increasing digestive fire.
In this class, we practice the “chin lock” taking care to avoid undue constriction of the delicate structures within the neck. This bandha stimulates the thyroid while refining the flow of breath.
The tongue seal is an exquisite movement to help release the jaw, neck, sinuses and inner ear. In this class we (lightly) press the tongue to the roof of the mouth to direct the breath into the central channel of the spine.
The Great Seal (Maha Bandha) helps conduct the flow of prana through all the channels of the body. When done together, the three seals at the perineum, the belly, and throat help channel a surge of life-force through the spine.
Cost: $100 + tax